Have you given up on yourself?

Stuck in the same corner of life since more than you care to admit, and giving in to the belief there must be something wrong with you?

Then, I need to tell you, from the very depth of my heart:

There’s nothing wrong with you.

And let me repeat it once again:






So that it sinks in.

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feeling as a bystander of your own life?

...and clenched by the fear this is ALL there is?


...while a black hole grows in your chest?

feeling that you want more from life?

...and yet feeling empty, no matter what you achieve?

feeling guilty?

...because you cannot be happy with everything you already have like everyone else.


I truly do… because I have been sitting in that same place for so long… that the thought of it carries a wave of sadness with it.

Until the NEED to get out of that black hole devouring me from the inside became stronger than the fear of what I would find.

Until I found an evidence-based process that, in a matter of weeks, brought me to LIFE and to the deepest possible understanding of who I truly AM, underneath all the layers of conditioning and experiences in which I lost myself.

Since then I have been exploring ways to bring this to other human beings who are living in the inner cage I lived for so long, because I KNOW that there’s a way out, and I KNOW it’s just a conversation away.

Valentina Manini - Change Expert (MA), Life Coach


The S.H.I.F.T. Experience

Your 6-week journey from feeling numb to breathing life.

Phase 1: The Coaching

5 weeks of 1:1 coaching that will bring you face-to-face and heart-to-heart with the real you, the one who is crashed underneath layers and layers of mental clutter, who is living in avoidance and fear, and who wants MORE from life.

Phase 2: The Learning

The self-paced training that teaches you how to continue the conversation with all your parts on your own.

The Coaching - 5 sessions with me - 1:1

Exploration 1 - Subconscious

A glimpse into your world: who are you, really - and how you perceive yourself (toxic beliefs & all). In this session you find out why you keep getting stuck in the same corner of life and how you will get out of it, for good.

Exploration 2 - Heart

A powerful guided visualization to feel into your heart (literally) and meet the real you: face-to-face and heart-to-heart. Tears will be shed, mostly of surprise, gratitude and love.

Exploration 3 - Inward

Discover what you are protecting yourself from (the reason why you live clenched in fear) and unburden yourself of that crushing weight and screaming pain.

Exploration 4 - Fragments

Embrace the totality of who you are. With clarity. With intention. With the knowing you can hear, trust and follow your real self, while guiding all the other parts that make you YOU.

Exploration 5 - Transformation

Wipe away your numbness so that you can pursue an intentional and unapologetic life rooted in who you truly are and what makes your heart sing.

The Learning - Self-Paced

"The YOU Factor" Course

To continue this shifting and wondrous work on your own, I have created a self-paced Course for you to learn how to continue the conversation with all the parts that make the totality of you. It's short, intuitive and fun. And you'll find all the guided visualizations you will ever need.

In their words:

"This work is a gift, it is a huge gift." - Matt


Voxer Access

--> 500$ value
Get additional support on Voxer (through text or voice messages) anytime during the the coaching time and until 2 weeks after our last session.

Visualizations Bundle

--> 29$ value
My most requested bundle of guided visualizations to bring about the most wonderous shifts, and get you unstuck from downward spirals and triggered parts.

3-months Access to The Wired4Wow Membership

--> 210$ value

This is on me for 3 whole months!
You will be able to continue the work we did together through Group coaching, Monthly Workshop and Challenge, + a lively community.

Gosia Potoczna Marketing Expert

Feeling relieved and much more aware

Me before the session: frustrated with emotions and stuff I had no idea how to handle, feeling tossed and turned around and going through the notions.
Me after the session: feeling relieved and much more aware of what's actually going on with me, plus having tools that now I can use when I get triggered to handle the situation positively.
I so appreciate your help!

Davor Kosanic Integrated Consciousness & Deep Ecology Expert

A fantastic instrument for becoming the happy person that you wish to be

A must do - incredibly efficient and intuitive technique to work on reprogramming patterns of thought and behavior, which drain your health and energy in everyday life. A fantastic instrument for the work on personal development and for becoming the happy person that you wish to be.

In a very simple and intuitive manner, you can dissect the different "protectors" in your thought patterns, and engage with them.

Valentina has a natural and warm capability to create the necessary safe space and guide you through this process of self-discovery and healing.

Melanie M.

...where transformation and healing can happen

Valentina meets you exactly where you're at in any given moment and holds space for whatever arises on your journey into new and sometimes uncomfortable territory. Her energy and her ability to compassionately and gently guide you are true gifts and open up the path to a place where transformation and healing can happen.

Ansgar Rougemont-Bücking FMH Psychiatrist, Scientific senior resident

And then, all of a sudden, everything becomes possible.

Valentina impresses me as she rapidly and intuitively goes to the place where the person’s ​struggles are. And then she calls a spade a spade, but when doing so she is extremely warmhearted, respectful, and eye-opening. And then, all of a sudden, everything becomes possible.

Matthew Godfrey

Valentina is incredibly authentic, effective and gifted.

This work is a gift, it is a huge gift. Valentina has that rare combination of an incredibly alive mind and an open heart. She speaks to both the head and the heart. All of us get stuck and that's ok, but when you find someone who can guide you to freedom you really want to tell your friends about it! If you are one of those people who feels a bit numb and distanced from both themselves and the world then consider what it would mean for you if you could genuinely reconnect with yourself and those around you. That's what's happening for me and I don't think I could have done it without a gifted guide. Valentina is one seriously gifted guide!

Is THIS for you?


  • You are disheartened by trying things out that get you stuck in the same corner of life.

  • The butterflies in your stomach are going nuts!
  • Your stomach clenches at the idea this is ALL that there is.
  • You are READY for emotion-stirring work, knowing that it will bring you exactly where you long for. 
  • You are READY to meet the real you, face-to-face, heart-to-heart.

Probably not...

  • The idea of glimpsing into your subconscious gives you the creeps, and you actually believe you are in control of every aspect of your life at any given time.
  • You are not committed to showing up at each and every session with your whole heart and mind.
  • You are not ready for any work that might bring tears down your cheeks, or that might be emotionally intense.


Is it going to work for me?

If you are a human being, with a human brain, and a beating heart, then YES, it will work for you. This is an evidence-based process that will transform the way in which you perceive and talk to yourself.

This is too good to be true, how can I trust you?

This is a very good question, and that’s why I have put together a page where you can read (and watch) what others who trusted me achieved in a matter of weeks. These are not my “best clients”, these are ALL my clients. 

Is this going to be emotionally painful?

Yes. And it’s going to be a pain that comes deep from your heart, from a long-forgotten part of you. And it’s going to be the most reconnecting, healing and relieving pain you have ever felt in your life. A pain that will open you up to love, compassion, acceptance and… the real YOU.

Is this based on known frameworks?

The backbone of this framework is IFS (Internal Family System), enriched by ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and EFT (Emotion Focused Therapy). They are all evidence-based frameworks.

How long will it take to see the results?

You will start seeing and feeling results from the second session.

Will I be really able to continue the work on my own?

YES. Because this “work” is a new way of seeing and talking to yourself. I provide you with everything you will ever need!

What if I don’t like it, or it doesn’t work for me?

You have until the end of the first week to cancel and get a full refund.

How much time will I need to dedicate to it?

If you will not put any additional time into it, apart from the sessions with me, you will still experience a unique and mind shifting exploration of your  wondrous inner world. You will understand the whys behind your behaviours and the way in which your life looks. You will get clarity on who you truly are, and how much more you can be. If you put little time into it, then you will see a slow but steady shift. If you put a lot of time into it, then brace yourself for an extraordinary life shift.

“I still can't believe how quickly it happened”


I have been to quite a few counsellors and coaches in the past few years but none of them have made the difference for me that Valentina has - I still can't believe how much of a difference it has made and how quickly it happened. When she says there can be a big change in only a few sessions - keep an open mind and believe her, because it's certainly what happened for me!

Matthew Godfrey

Are you ready to finally breathe life?

To celebrate each and every year as your best one ever? To hear, trust and follow the real you?

Experience The S.H.I.F.T. for 997$

What is included:

  • 5 sessions 1:1 with me
  • Self-learning training
  • Voxer access
  • Guided Visualizations Bundle
  • Conversation Scripts

Limited spots available: because of the support and time I dedicate to each person who joins, there are only a few spots available.

I am so looking forward to meeting you, and turning your most feared wishes into reality. Shall we?

In their words:

"I've really felt the shift happen" - Dipika

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