IFS-Based Integration Circle

A guided journey into the imagery, sensations, and symbols of your psychedelic experiences to create meaningful and lasting shifts in your life:

- make sense, feel, and integrate the deeper meaning and lessons of your experiences

- integrate them throughout your daily life

- identify and connect with the Parts of your psyche you have met in your experiences, or that are in the way of your healing

The Circle is held in English. 

Register for September 6th at 19:15


Valentina Manini

Join me, and psychedelics' expert David Andel, in a revealing and expanding integration circle.

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The Integration Circle

Different experiences come together to understand, integrate, and expand your psychedelic healing. 

The Guided integration

An Internal Family Systems based process to make sense of and integrate the imagery, sensations, and symbols of your psychedelic experiences.

Through a Guided Imagery Meditation you will first connect to your Self energy (aka Inner Wisdom, Core, Essence, Knowing, Inner Resources, Higher Self...) to then welcome and integrate the messages and lessons of your experience.

You will be guided to acknowledge the different parts of you that might hold strong emotions about those messages and initiate the truest integration of all: the one bringing about meaningful and permanent shifts into your daily life.

the sharing circle

After the Guided Integration you will be invited to share your experience.

It might be just a smile, a silent look, a word, or the most meaningful moments of your inner journey.

These are often the most precious moments... the ones of truest connection and embracing of our belonging. To ourselves.

To each other.

To being human.

Sharing this one moment in time and space.

the Q&A

The Q&A is hosted by me and by Psychedelics' Expert & Researcher David Andel.

It will be a chance to ask anything that either relates to your experience or to psychedelics in general.

What to expect

From welcoming you, integrating, sharing, and getting to know each other.

Welcome and intro

We will be welcoming you, and show you around the place.
You will make yourself comfortable and find a nice and cosy spot in our space.


The Integration Circle will last for about 2 hours.

About 1 hour of Guided Integration, 30 minutes of Sharing Circle, and 30 minutes of Q&A.
You are free to leave at any time.


You are very welcome to get to know and connect with like minded people on a similar journey as you are.

Your Hosts

Valentina Manini, MA

I'm a Certified Internal Family Systems Practitioner, Psychedelic Integration Coach, and offer Ketamine-Assisted IFS.

What started as a journey into my own healing from generalized anxiety became a longing to belong. To me. To others. To this world and life. Ultimately to this feeling of joyful expansion that life *can* be.

From there came my wish to show others how to embrace the totality of who they are, so that they can live an intentional and joyful life expanding and flowing into everything they long for. You can read more about me here and about my background and trainings here.

I hope you will join me in this peculiar and expanding Journey of Integration.

David Andel, MD

I have been fascinated by consciousness and the brain since my teenage years, and therefore studied medicine and neurobiology.

I have spent 10+ years as a brain researcher, investigating the effects of psychedelics at the Psychiatric University Clinic Zürich.

I'm looking forward to bringing my passion and experience to this Integration Circle. 

Register for the Integration Circle.

The IFS-based Integration Circle happens about once a month from 18:15 to 20:30
in the Group Room (floor -1) in Obere Zäune 14, Zürich.

As the room can accomodate only 14 people, please register and buy a ticket to reserve your spot, as no additional spots will be available on site. 

For any questions, you can get in touch with me by email or telegram.
I’m looking forward to meeting you.

Register for September 6th at 19:15
